
Hive is the main Operations Server of Siesta Time. Is the first element that needs to be deployed. The user has the option to do it Offline, or using terraform to deploy Hive with target Virtual Private Cloud resources. Configurations of target VPC to use will be saved in a txt file by the syntax of: ./SiestaTime/installconfig/config<VPC>.txt There is the option to deploy without using a VPC, or Offline, this will install Hive in the current host.

What this does? What is Hive?

Hive is the main “Operation Server”. Hive will receive every command/job from authenticated clients and process or redirect them to a target foothold. The main DB of siesta time will be in this server, with all information/configurations from the red team operators’ actions.

  • Install in the installer’s device host system dependencies (gcc,apache utils,…)
  • Parse config<VPC>.txt file, use the parameters for creating a (terraform plan)
  • Download Go and the required dependencies to compile Hive.
  • Create Hive sqlite DB
  • Download Terraform and apply plan

In the same way, the plan will (and this will be performed in the same host if Offline):

  • Install Hive OS/Distro. dependencies
  • Download go and their dependencies, to be able to compile Implants
  • Download Terraform and terraform plugins
  • Create /usr/local/STHive folder structure
  • Upload OS dependencies, keys, sqlite DB, compiled Hive binary …
  • Configure Hive as a service

Online - AWS

Steps to Prepare AWS Servers

  • Find EC2 Information
    • Prepare AWS key and credentials for target VPC
    • AccessKey/SecretKey
    • EC2 → “My Security Credentials” → “Access Keys”
    • ami
    • region
    • Create key pair on target region and Download “.pem” key
  • Complete SiestaTime/installConfig/configAWS.txt
USERNAME : Admin Username
PASSWORD : Admin password
port : HTTPS Hive port listener
accesskey: AWS accesskey
secretkey: AWS secretkey
Region: AWS region
Keyname: AWS keyname (without .pem)
ami: aws ami
itype: AWS ec2 itype
  • Copy AWS key to SiestaTime/installConfig/<keyname>.pem
  • Run
./ installaws


Offline option let operators to install hive in a target host without the use of terraform or any kind of VPC credentials.

./ installOffline <IP> <Port> <targetFolder> <adminUsername> <adminPassword>

./ installOffline 6232 /usr/local/ admin admin


Every installing option comes with a “No Darwin” version of it. This will let hive to work without the need of Darwin dependencies (but loosing MacOSX implant abilities)

./ installawsNoDarwin
./ installOfflineNoDarwin


./ remove


When installed Offline remove will not erase created/configured host data and packages